Saturday, October 18, 2014

Harissa chick pea stew and rice

I had to make a whole chicken last week and chicken bone stock to make room in my freezer. 

To use up some of the new chicken stock so it would fit in the freezer I made rice with chicken stock and parsley mixed 50/50 with the water.

To use up the chicken and this pile of tomatoes someone gave us from their garden, I made this stew:

- 2 cups homemade chicken stock (to use up my old stock)
- 1 cup diced chicken
- about 30 ounces chick peas
- about 4 cups diced tomato
- 1/2 cup zesty sprouts
- 1 package saffron road harissa simmer sauce
- about 2 cups vegetables (in my case broccoli, carrot and cauliflower)
- 1 tablespoon fresh ground black pepper
- 1 tablespoon ground cumin
- water

In the crockpot on high.

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